It’s the tar sands, stupid!
Posted on:
Friday, June 1, 2012
Posted at:
7:15 PM
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
Act II, Scene ii, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
The Athabasca tar sands have always been, are now, and will always be known as… the Athabasca tar sands.
Why? Because the tar sands’ consistency is actually similar to *wait for it* tar!
The Athabasca tar sands have always been, are now, and will always be known as… the Athabasca tar sands.
No amount of public relations (READ: spin) and/or propaganda will ever change that — or will it?
Next thing you know, the Harper government will be referring to the Athabasca tar sands as the Western Canada bitumen deposits.
2012-06-01 » somecanuckchick
3 June 2012 @ 10:46 AM
I pray for an NDP government not only to straighten out the social mess created by the harpoons Nazi regime but to also close down the dirty oil sands that are destroying our environment and that have destroyed our lost manufacturing industry. Example: GM is will no longer be a Canadian entity anymore.