Canada, we have a problem!
Posted on:
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Posted at:
2:21 PM
Canada, we have a problem!
We have a problem and its name is the Conservative Party of Canada.
Sovereignty not the boogeyman it once was. Really, it’s not. If you think it is, then you don’t understand what happened during the last election and why Québec voted the way it did.
You want to know who the boogeyman is, Canada? The boogeyman is the one sitting in the Prime Minister’s chair right now!
Conservative values are not Canada’s values.
How many other Canadians share this sentiment? 61% of Canadians share this sentiment.
This sentiment was both quantified and qualified February 14, 2012 outside the House of Commons by Justin Trudeau.
Read the full text of Justin Trudeau’s statement below.
The question is not why does Justin Trudeau suddenly not love his country because the question is ridiculous. I live this country in my bones, every breath I take. And I’m not going to stand here and somehow defend that I actually do love Canada because we know I love Canada.
The question is what’s happening to our country? Why do millions of Quebecers not see themselves in this government? Why do millions of women not recognize this country? Why do millions of people disconnect from our politics, from our world? Because they do not like, they do not see the Canada that we built over decades reflected not in the policies of this government but in the values that this government’s putting forward.
This country is a country of openness, of respect, of compassion, of the rule of law, of the rights of the individual, of freedom… freedom from fear, freedom from crime, freedom to love who you want and not be judged for it, freedom to do what you want with your body. These freedoms are the very things that Stephen Harper and his government are trying to take away.
So ask me if I’m upset at the direction he’s taking this government and this country. It’s not about policies.
On a un Canada qui devient mesquin, qui devient petit d’esprit, qui devient fermé, qui est anti intellectuel, qui commence à prôner la division et s’ingérer dans les vies privées des gens. Excusez-moi, mais je reconnais pas ce pays. Et c’est des millions de Canadiens qui non plus ne reconnaissent pas ce pays.
Questionnez-moi pas sur mes valeurs en tant que Canadien, en tant que Québécois, en tant que très fier de l’être. La direction dans laquelle amène ce gouvernement n’est pas la direction de la plupart des Canadiens. On n’a rien que regarder les sondages, même les résultats électoraux.
La réalité c’est que ce Canada il va falloir se réveiller pour se battre contre M. Harper. Il va falloir qu’on y soit.
And, again on CBC’s Power & Politics February 14, 2012:
Repeat: The boogeyman is the one sitting in the Prime Minister’s chair right now! Repeat: The boogeyman is the one sitting in the Prime Minister’s chair right now! Repeat: The boogeyman is the one sitting in the Prime Minister’s chair right now!
Canada, I have the solution… well, I have a solution.
***C-word alert***
How about cooperation?
In the last election, 61% voted for change, but the vote split and our broken electoral system gave Stephen Harper, what I like to call, a faux majority of seats in the House of Commons.
2012-02-15 » somecanuckchick