
Where is the report?

Posted on: Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Posted at: 5:55 PM

Months before Jody Wilson-Raybould sought to leverage Michael Wernick by calling into the switchboard and secretly making an audio recording of that phone call, she was making a concerted effort to withhold information from him…

And while Canadians may never know why the former Minister of Justice—Attorney General blocked her deputy from forwarding that report to the former Clerk of the Privy Council, I had one question remaining


Nathalie Drouin, the Deputy MoJ-AG, recently provided the Justice Committee w/ a draft copy of the report.

Regardless of the report’s content, I maintain that this is beyond the pale.

The former MoJ-AG, Jody Wilson-Raybould, had a duty as a Cabinet minister and a responsibility to the federal government to forward the report to Michael Wernick, the former Clerk of the Privy Council; but instead she instructed her deputy not to sent it.

As per the Department of Justice website…

“…in general terms, the Minister is concerned with the administration of justice, including policy in such areas as criminal law, family law, human rights law, and Aboriginal justice; the Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Crown, responsible for conducting all litigation for the federal government.”

To that end, the role of the Department of Justice is to:

  • support the Minister of Justice in working to ensure that Canada is a just and law-abiding society with an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice;
  • provide high-quality legal services and counsel to the government and to client departments and agencies;
  • and promote respect for rights and freedoms, the law and the Constitution.

I cannot stress enough that the report, requested by the Clerk of the Privy Council, amounts to legal advice, i.e. counsel.

Did Jody Wilson-Raybould shirk her responsibilities to the federal government, or was she derelict in her duties as a Cabinet minister?

Now Canadians have all the information they need to decide… and less than 6 months to make that decision.

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