I think less of you!
Posted on:
Monday, September 26, 2011
Posted at:
6:30 PM
If you are a member of Le Bon Mot Book Club, I think less of you!
Instead of scratching our heads wondering what kind of avaricious, bottom feeding, social pariah pays $500 to listen to Dick Cheney — an alleged war criminal — speak… *cough*
I encourage Canadians to write an email to Le Bon Mot Book Club — let them know that Dick Cheney is an alleged war criminal and you think less of them for inviting an alleged war criminal to Canada.
I encourage Canadians to write an email to The Vancouver Club — let them know that Dick Cheney is an alleged war criminal and you think less of them for hosting an event for an alleged war criminal in Canada.
I encourage Canadians to write an email to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of British Columbia and/or the Mayor of Vancouver and Vancouver City Council.
Ask the Prime Minister of Canada why he let an alleged war criminal into Canada.
Ask the Premier of British Columbia why she let an alleged war criminal into Canada.
Ask the Mayor of Vancouver and Vancouver City Council why they let an alleged war criminal into Canada.
I also encourage Canadians to boycott and/or or write a letter or an email to the sponsors of tonight’s event, which include the likes of TD, KPMG, and The Globe and Mail.
2011-09-26 » somecanuckchick